Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Cheat Gems & Level The Tribez & Castlez

Cheat Gems & Level The Tribez & Castlez

Pada hari ini saya akan share sebuah Cheat Game Facebook, Cheat ini saya dapat barusan, dari salah satu forum. Cheat yang akan saya share hari ini adalah Cheat Gems dan Level The Tribez & Castlez di facebook. Cheat ini 100% work.

The Tribez & Castlez Gems-Level Cheat is with you! In the game, you are trying to defend and upgrade your village and it is really good – you have quests and goals to reach. The most important thing in the game is to have GEMS and with this cheat, you’ll have millions of gems (1.5M-Everytime) just for FREE! And You’ll also reach the levels that you could reach in a month with only 10 minutes(150M EXP-Everytime). You can see a picture for proof – Let’s Play!

File Cheat, [Download]
Charles [download]
Coowon Web Browser [download]

Untuk Tutorialnya Cheat The Tribez & Castlez silahkan lihat video di bawah ini

Ok sekian artikel hari ini, nantikan artikel menarik lainnya hanya di blog ini. Termakasih :)


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